Bender does not tax the brain like Jesus and is much more fun. argument would accord with Carrier's; if the stories of the saviour figures preceded Jesus with details exactly the same for those attributed to Jesus; an original Jesus in the first century is a fraud. It is true that real people can become fictionalised but think on this; no one can live the life of a mosaic of historically earlier stories.
As Carrier mentions the accounts in the gospels are a syncretism or fusion of many old saviour heroes brought together under one roof.This is clearly a political move for the purpose of being attractive to a mass audience; something miraculous for everyone, the ideas being drawn from many saviour cults. When you read the nativity for example this story pre-dates the first century and all of its features features, the three Persian astrologers led by a star, a virgin birth, the animals in the stall, the death of first born, trip to Egypt, shepherds in the fields...all these and many more are pure ancient pagan tales inserted into the "gospel". They have no basis in history... they are fact-free myths.
So here is the crunch point: when did any fictional character jump off the page and become a real breathing person?